Monday, May 30, 2005


Isn't this pair of Gucci Shades gorgeous?!! I saw it when i was walking around in suntec with Hui and Cynthia after a heavy lunch @ fish & co... I saw this similar pair in the colour red!!! and since red is my favourite colour, i have to try this pair on... and i look damn good in it! for once, i found a pair of shades that rest on my noes and not my cheekbones... It was on 20% sales thus costing 256 bucks instead of 320 bucks... I want to buy! Someone buy it for me! :p After some thinking(logically), i have decided not to buy it instead. Quoting from a comment made by my dear brother " Its a good-to-have, not a must-have..." I guess he is right, since i wouldn't possibly be wearing it when i am in school... But i wouldn't mind if some kind soul buys it for me! haha
The bali trip that i have mentioned i one of my previous entries, has been cancelled... Long story... But it has been cancelled... I am disappointed but i guess i can always go the next time round... and to make myself forget the disappointment, i have decided to spend half of the money that i have set aside for the trip for shopping!!! :> and i want to buy an ipod mini as well, should i buy the sliver one or the green one??? :>

Ipod mini!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Extroversion Profile
Your Extroversion Profile: |
Friendliness: Very High |
Assertiveness: High |
Excitement Seeking: High |
Sociability: High |
Activity Level: Medium |
Cheerfulness: Medium |
Clinical Education: B
Anatomy: B
Physiology: B+
Behavioural Science: B
Research Methods: B
Lifespan and Lifestyle Development: B
Occupational Therapy Theory & Process: A
Overall GPA: 3.311
My GPA dropped! My previous GPA was 3.42... This sucks!!! I got a B for my anatomy... I used to be an A student of this module... I know... I am a perfectionist... This results are considered good for some people but definitely not in my standards... Especially with that intense competition within my class... Oh well, there's always next time... So i'll just work harder! Better start revising my first year stuff for my second year that is coming in a month's time... :>
Monday, May 23, 2005
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Although i didn't drink a lot, it is still so unhealthy! I can't stop the late nights... Or should i say early morning but i am definitely not drinking! For as long as i can... I feel super unhealthy... Should really stop what i am doing... :>
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The O.C
People were impeccably dressed, the women looking damn fine and the men looking so hot! Interesting things start to unfold when ppl started drinking... I am not entitled to mention details but if any of you watches the O.C, u would know what i mean... There were "marissa cooper" everywhere, there were "Julie Cooper" everywhere... The thing that i enjoy the most was that there were "Seth Cohen" everywhere... I LOVE MY JOB!
It was a pity that i was on duty because if i wasn't, i would be dancing with a bunch of cuties... A few of them actually came up to me & asked me to dance with them... And all i could do was to smile and say that i can't because i was working... Damn... Biggest regret of the month...
It ended really late and by the time i got to sleep, it was already 4ish in the morning... But it was definitely an interesting experience... :>
Friday, May 20, 2005
Girls Only!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Embarking on a "Self-Improvement Programme"
Just had a really interesting conversation with glen on the phone... Had to type this down before i lose my train of thought...
These are my confessions.
I just realized that i am a person with a lot of flaws... How ironic is it when i spend most of my time trying to be as perfect as i can be... I am a perfectionist to the point that it drives myself insane, i believe it drives my friends insane as well... I am so ambitious to the point that it scares people away... I am so independent to the point where i think it make others think that i do not need them...Yes... I am self-centred... After such a long time, i realized that i am self-centred... It has always been about me. I barely think about others... I have always been planning about my future that i forget the fact that the things that make up my future is not just myself, or my future career but my friends and my family... They are the people that makes my future a future to look forward to, they are the ones that matters... I finally have the guts to admit that i am afraid of a lot of things... I am a person with plenty of flaws... And i am proud of it... Everybody has flaws and i am not the only one, so there is nothing wrong with it. :>
And hence the title for my entry... I will improve myself! I will make a conscious effort to not be self-centred... I will learn to take life easy and stop being so uptight about things... I am going to be less independent, i.e. i am going to relax and not try to do everything on my own... I am for once, going to be dependent on people! On appropriate situations of course but i am going to be dependent, in a good way!
i have to thank glen for being so honest with me... :> Not a lot of people are... Except for 2 of my best friends & a few other friends. I guess they are afraid of pissing me off... haha. And glen, thanks for that offer... But i hope you and i will never have the chance to take that up... :> It did made me feel a little pathetic but it was sweet of you to offer (kinda self-sacrificial) but nonetheless sweet... :p oh!& feel free to remind me if i am back to my old self again... You are afterall the one of the rare few who "inspired" me to change for the better. :> ( i bet your ego is getting really big right now... :p)
This is going to be a long process and i hope that i succeed in improving myself. :>
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Fugly Biatch...
Yes, i am really pissed off... I think this is probably the most "pissed off" entry by far... And apparently, i am not the only who thinks she is a short, fugly bitch... So, i wasn't being judgmental... (cheeky smile)
Oh well, i am sure there are more entries of "interesting happenings" from work to come... So continue to read!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Helo Everybody!!!
The negative side to this job is that sleeping @ 3 plus in the morning everyday doesn't do good to my skin... But then again, i don't want to work in the morning shift, it seems somewhat less interesting...
remember the chef that i mentioned earlier in my previous entry, the one with the bloody pervertic stare, finally shut him up yesterday... At least for now... There i was standing at my station, scanning around the hall to see if any guest requries any assistance and that bloody idiot came along and constantly asking me stupid questions... "Are u chinese?" " You don't look like one?" "How old are u?" I mean what's up with that?! Is he doing a demographic survey? Plus that pervertic stare of his wasn't doing any good in easing my anger... So i turn around and told him straight in the face, " STOP TALKING TO ME!!!" and i walked away... Morons...
I seriously do not know whats up some of the male stuff members there... Are they really that deprived to the extent that they have to constantly prey on female stuff member, especially new ones? I constantly get comments like, "how old are u?" " I think you are very pretty.", " Do u want to go out with me?", " Do u have a boyfriend?", " i think u are truly a wonderful worker..." which is followed by "are u free tmr?" Honestly, i just came here to work!!! So just let me do my job!!! At first i thought they were just being nice but when they started doing that everyday, i started to question their sincerity...
There are other staff members who help me fend off these ppl and one of them is my darling rachel!!! Don't know what i would do without her... Rachel, Tan and i are planning to go on a holiday before work and sch starts... Our common favourite destination is BALI! So if everything goes well, we should be going to bali for our vacation! Can't Wait!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Climatic Monday
The worse thing is, i had to go to work from 5pm to 1am... So i braced myself, thinking that i will be okay but no... When i got there, i was still feeling a little weak but i thought if i keep doing things to occupy myself, things will me fine. This is where the drama comes in... I had a black out when we were doing role call... One moment i was standing, the next moment i was seating in a chair with everyone around me with the worried look plastered on their face. Honestly speaking, i have no idea why i had a blackout, most probably due to my low blood pressure... Although i have to thank my colleagues and my managers at the hotel for their concerns... They took really good care of me... What a great impression i left... Most probably, i am going to me known as the" girl who fainted" for a while...
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Bar & Billard Room
The ppl who i had worked with on that day were really nice although there is this particular junior chef who seriously is getting on my nerves... The proper word to describe how he treats the female staff is HARASSMENT! You can see him giving the pervertic stare at the female staffs... Disgusting!!! Gives me the urge to want to smack the hell out him...
Overall, it was a pleasant experience... The ppl i get to meet while working there are mostly influential ppl in the working society. Having the chance to observe them and interact with them are pretty fun, so no complains there! Will be working from mon to fri, except wed and on sunday as well for the next week. Wouldn't be posting as much since i will be reaching home @ around 3 am everyday... Cheers ppl!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I got a job...
Will update again on the job after i start work on thursday. I am working in the night shift. 5 to 1am. Till then...
Monday, May 02, 2005
A mundane life...
Just received an email from my ex-lecturer yesterday. She is "backpacking" round the whole of Europe and US for the next 3 mths or so. She was in Russia when she sent us her first email eversince she left but now she is in london going towards Prague... I wish i can be like her, travelling round the world, soaking myself in the culture of other countries... Enjoying fresh, non-polluted mountain air... Feeling the cool breeze across my face... Instead of feeling warm and stuffy while typing this entry...
I feel so stuck right now... I want to get away...
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Just a normal saturday...
It was nice to bump into lionel while we were in borders! I have not seen him for quite a while... He was with his girlfriend, Kelly! They so adorable standing beside one another. Lionel my friend, you are a lucky guy! I was glad that i spent my weekend with my gals... Its been a while since i felt so relax and so at ease with just being me... Thanks girls!!! I am looking forward to our trip to the beach! :>