Friday, July 29, 2005
He's been gone for about 2 weeks and strange enough, i didn't think of him as much as i thought i would... It could be due to my busy schedule with school curriculum and dance. My friends are asking me, what are you going to do about "it"? Honestly speaking, i've no idea. In fact, i don't want to think about it now because there's no point in it. There are a string of possibilities or scenarios that can happen and i wouldn't noe of it until he's back. I do question myself constantly... did we had anything at all to start off with?
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Rapture 2005!
On the first day of concert day itself, things went really well. :> All of the alumni were nervous yet so very excited. The adrenaline was pumping so hard on fri and sat... All of us screaming and jumping around like mad women, cheering on our juniors at the wings of the stage. When it was our turn to go up on stage, all of us were so jittery... But it all turned out well, it always did. I was telling the girls that after doing this for 4 years, i still feel the adrenaline, and the nerve wrecking sensation... But then again, the day i stop getting all this emotions, is the day i stop dancing. :> I hope that will never happen!!!
Now that the concert is over, i finally have the time to start on my sch work... :> Been neglecting it for quite some now. Its time i get back on track. Can't wait for the dinner & get-together @ dewi's place! It will be a blast!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
An array of emotions.
Haven't had proper sleep for the past 2 weeks, suppressing all these emotions that i'm feeling... I am interested to see what i will be like when i finally breakdown, when i finally burst out... I bet it will be one hell of a show...
Monday, July 11, 2005
Random Thoughts...
2 more weeks to the dance concert, i'm freaking out, i know the other dancers(especially the choreographers) are freaking out too... To be honest, having school in the day and dance rehearsals @ night everyday for the past 6 days and the next 1 & a half week is draining me out. But then again, i'm not the only one... Keeping my fingers crossed that we can put up a good show and not disappoint anyone. :>
Of course it sucks to have a f*#king busy schedule... No time for my family (my mum is starting to think that i treat my home as a hotel), no time for my friends, no time for him... Even he is complaining(well, not really) or stating the fact to me that the last time he saw me in person was like 1 & a half weeks ago. I'm not even working yet and i am already such a workaholic. It's no one's fault that both of us have suck a f*#king hectic schedule... Just have to make the best out of what we have. Worse thing is, he's taking a 3 weeks off from work to go back home... 3 bloody long weeks... Although he truly deserve this long break from work, since he's been so overworked for god knows how long. And it definitely will do him good, being able to see his family again after such a long time. Hopefully, school's curriculum will be hectic enough to keep me from having wandering thoughts...
Sunday, July 10, 2005
20th birthday!!!
Woke up @ around 7 and went on the doll myself up before meeting Tess in town for dinner. That girl is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful girls that i've ever met. Although she was still feeling sick, she came all the way down to town and met me for dinner. So after having difficulty trying to find one another when we were in town( similar to what happened the previous time we met), we went to Gusto @ Wisma for dinner, with the gorgeous flowers that she gave me. She refused to let me pay for the check... So next time we go out, it will be on me! :>

Flowers from Tess!!!

We walked around for a little while before i sent her off to the bus stop, she had to go home since she wasn't feeling well. Wandered around alone after Tess left since i was waiting for Rachel to get off work from The Canteen by Les amie... Her assistant manager was nice enough to show me around the restaurant while Rachel was getting ready. :>
Met phoebe and her bf (pretty interesting character) and nic @ the entrance of devil's bar... Then we went off to clarke quay before waiting a damn long time for others to come... Overall clubbing experience was alright, nothing fantastic really but i had fun with my friends. Especially my best friends! I LOVE U TWO TO BITS!!! Of course, spending some time with him... :> Went for "supper" or should i say "breakfast" with them @ around 6 am in the morning, since all of us were starving... Reached home @ around 7 plus, took a shower, brush my teeth and went on to bed before waking up @ 1plus today... My beloved family are so sweet! they bought me a cake and celebrated my birthday with me right after i woke up and brushed my teeth! :> Of course, it will be followed by a fabulous dinner later in the evening... :>

My best gal pals!!! :>

My birthday cake!!! :>

I feel so loved!!! And i'm damn grateful that i have my family, my friends, all my loved ones with me... So thank you ppl!!! :> Turning 20 isn't so bad after all...
Friday, July 08, 2005
I am rather contented with what i've now... I love what i am studying, i've fantastic friends (new & the "old"), a loving family (although they can get on my nerves once in a while), i've the chance to keep on dancing ,and meeting him... It's overwhelming at times but i am trying my best! :>
The "Wise & Old { i'm turning 20 tmr... :-( } me" is going to end of with a quote from a book i've read...
Monday, July 04, 2005
First Day of School...
Okay... it wasn't that horrible. Just that the time table sucks... We are spilt into 3 groups, A,B & C. I am assigned to group C and we have the suckiest timetable! We start the earliest, we end our classes the latest... Projects, assignments & reports are already placed in our hand. I can see myself not having enough time for myself, my family, friends... Basket... :(
I am just keeping my fingers crossed and pray hard that i can survive the next 3 weeks. School in the day, dance rehearsal @ night... I woudn't be surprise if i looked like a "living dead" for the next couple of weeks...
On the other hand, i can't wait for this saturday! I am going to have so much fun! :> Will update as much as i can. Till then...
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Homecoming Dinner @ JYSS!
Side note, if u ppl have noticed... I look a little different... I finally got the guts to straighten my hair. Not used to the new look but i have heard good comments so far, so no complains! :> Cheers

End of the day...

Saturday, July 02, 2005
I droved from Boon Lay, around the industrial areas, continued along KJE to CCK then back to jurong where my dad needed to top up his fuel. After which we drove to Jurong point for dinner @ crystal jade... :> According to my dad, i am not a bad driver! considering the fact that today was the very first time i got the chance to drive a SUV... It wasn't that difficult to drive but i do wish my dad had gotten a car that is incline to the petite side... Oh well, I will definitely be able to drive it alone once i get use to it! :>
On the side note, school is just 2 days away... For the first time in a long time, I WISH SCHOOL WILL NEVER START! i am having way to much fun! Sobb...