Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I am glad that none of my friends or relatives were in those areas at that point of time but looking at the rising death counts makes me realize how fragile life is... no matter how advanced our technology is and how much knowledge we acquire and how much discoveries we make, we are still under the mercy of mother nature...
Its gonna take a while to repair these damages... and those victims involved in this disaster are all in my prayers...
Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas dinner at Shahi Maharani north indian restaurant.
Christmas was great!!! On the eve, i went out with my best friends, rachel and huiting... We went to the restaurant that serves delicious north indian cuisine. The ambience of the restaurant was fantastic, all warm and fuzzy... The dinner did cost a bomb but it was worth it. Me and my girls went straight to orchard after dinner and boy, did we regret it... People were spraying cans of "snow" at everybody, my face got a huge blob of it... Gross... But it was all out of good fun, so i forgive whoever that sprayed the icky snowy stuff on my face.
I never knew that there were so many people in S'pore... and looking at those kids who seems to be having lots of fun with those spray cans, i suddenly felt that i was too old for this... i noe i am just 19 but those things that these kids do were just not for me. It's like i have outgrown all of it. Maybe i have grown up... :>
Went to meet up with junwen, glen, micheal, CK and jaime at pacific plaza, these guys were goin to chinablack to club but me and my girlfriends decided not to... Junwen lost his 5oo bucks digital camera and is pretty upset abt it... oh well, christmas is a season of "giving" so whoever that found the camera that was left on the bus by him is a lucky one...
I just realize that i have spent a lot of money during my hols... I don't that came as a suprise since i am a shopaholic... Sch will be starting real sooon... and of course, i will be back to my mugging mode... oh well, better enjoy the rest of the hols before sch starts...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Dreadful Timetable
I am just praying hard that i have more e-learning lessons, its kinda like a self taught lesson, so i can have more free time to do other work... I noe i am not suppose to complain... I love wat i am doin now but yet i can't stop feeling depressed, knowing that i am not goin to have time for my friends, family and even myself... plus, the practices for my JC's dance concert will start next year as well... I have no idea how i am suppose to go for that with my timetable like this...
I just hope that i can manage my time well for everything that i have to complete...
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
My brother's series of unfortunate events...
Come to think of it, i am rather lucky throughout 19 years of my life... Yes, there are times when i am just purely unlucky but it seems that something is out there that will push me back to the right direction in my life whenever i stray... I should be thankful for that i suppose. As compared to me, my brother has been "unlucky" most of the time... Meeting crappy friends, losing something, not getting what he want and blah blah blah. Is it all just luck or is there something more to it?
How do u bring urself to be mean to others? Is there a time when u have to be mean to others, just to stop them from doin real silly things? I have got a lot of questions in my mind... Can anyone answer it for me?...
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Cosy Saturday....
In the evening, i went to my dear friend Hui's place for a wonderful get-together dinner with some friends, lionel, cynthia, koustav, jason, andrea, clarisse, nolan, alicia and bf... I didn't realize how much i missed my friends until yesterday... We have been so busy with our studies that we haven't had time for one another and gathering like this is simply wonderful... The food was great, we had chicken, pasta, ham, my favourite potato salad, fried finger food and of course for desserts we had hui's famous blueberry pie and delectable chocolate fudge cake... my stomach was filled to the brim and that feeling was wonderful... hhaha
After dinner, we had fun with the sims 2 and hui introduced us to all her families in her "topmodelville" and we watched the taped episodes of america's next top model! I haven had so much fun with my friends for such a long time and it is good to rekindle that feeling again...
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Isn't she gorgeous?

I haven been out all week... all i did was just to go to the driving centre to for my driving lesson. I finally went out to the roads yesterday for my lesson. Strange enough, i feel more at ease driving in the open roads then in the circuit itself... It could be because the roads are wider and i don't have to worry abt some other learners stopping suddenly. Here i thought i was bad at driving, i saw a woman driving the car up the curb( the whole car went up the curb)... My instructor actually burst out and laugh... wat a sadist.
Anyway, i was watching america's next top model on monday night and i just realize how gorgeous these women are in the foreign countries and how impt outward appearance is... But i think it is difficult to be a woman in these countries since image to them is very impt... More and more women are going under the knife... and i don't mean those women aged above 30 or 40, i have heard from friends that their friends who are around my age i.e still a teenager goin to be a young adult who goes for cosmetic surgery to fixed wat them deemed as flaws on their face and body... it makes me wonder if one day any of my friends or even myself would do the same... I sure hope not because it is the differences that makes one unique.. :>
Monday, December 13, 2004
Uneventful Weekend...
And the ferry ride back was even worse... The waves were huge and the ferry ride felt like a viking ride for 2 freakin hours... I almost puked out my lunch during the ride home... So when we reached home, i told my parents that i will never, ever go on another trip with them that involves us goin into any south east asia countries...
I still feel a little sick while doin this new posting...
Friday, December 10, 2004
I did warn my friends, telling them that i can't really sing but they were okay with it... Its weird hearing ur own voice and i didn't noe my voice is that high... It kinda goup me out... We were there for about 5 hours, just enjoying each others' company and singing our hearts out! After which was followed by a wonderful dinner at NYDC right outside The Heerens.
I wouldn't mind goin to K-box again, those who haven't try it should!! its a good enough experience... :)