Saturday, June 24, 2006
21st BIRTHDAY!!!

It's a platinum gold necklace and pendent with a diamond embedded in the center! It's damn pretty!!! If you are reading this Phoe, THANK YOU! muackz!
So for the benefit of the people who don't know what to buy for me, here's a short wishlist!
1) A samsung D820 - my parents are buying it for me!!!

I like this phone too!!! But i'm not so sure on whether i should buy this...
2) A cropped jacket

3) A nice pair of shoes

5) A clasp bag and a cute little sling bag

6) Headscarf

7) Grey's Anatomy Season 1 DVDs

I know that some of the pictures i've posted up are high end stuff... But it is a 'WISH' list! So i'm free to wish for whatever i want!
I'm not gonna do major celebration... Don't want to be stressed out with all the planning... A chilled out dinner with my family and friends would be good enough for me! and if time permits, a night of partying with my friends would make it even better! :>
Monday, June 12, 2006
I Dig Older Man
I'm a die hard fan of Grey's Anatomy and i've never missed an episode... :> Yes, i've to admit, i'm quite a morbid person... I love to watch shows such as ER, Chicago Hope, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Law and Order... The list goes on. As long as it has something to do with death or surgery or anything gross, i'll watch it. But that's beside the point...
I was talking to hui and cynthia about guys and how annoying some of them can be... And of course how utterly adorable some of them can be. And i've came up to a conclusion! I Dig Older Man. Here's some illustration...
My very first love... I fell in love with him the moment i saw him. I'm still in love with him btw. :>

My first love...

And then there was

Johnny Depp

and now i'm totally crazy about this majorly HOT neurosurgeon...

My McDreamy...

See! All are older men who absolutely ozzes charisma and confidence. And these often comes with age...
So that's that! :>
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Back to OLD SCHOOL!!!
wat is it?...
Not sure?...
I went ICE SKATING today!!! @ Jurong East entertainment centre with glen, jaime and samantha. I can't remember when was the last time i've stepped into an ice skating rink which may i remind you, used to be my favourite activity (other than dance) during my secondary school days. Gosh! So much memories popped up in my head when i stepped into the rink. And it felt so old school because of the songs they play... It was kinda cheesy love songs or disney soundtracks but it kinda work it's power because somehow, by listening to it, you want to/ at least attempt to skate in an elegant way. It was so fun!!! And of course, seeing glen fall on his butt adds on to the fun! hehe. Jaime actually showed some real talent in figure skating!!! He should consider taking it up as a sport! Wish i've brought along my camera to take some snap shots though...
As time passed, i've managed to trigger my long term memory and started skating proper. But it just didn't feel like the past, where i was a better skater... Guess i'm getting old... I need to skate more!!! Need to get the hang of it and practice makes perfect!
Going off topic... I'll be starting my attachment real soon... And by soon, i mean next week! Got posted to AH for a hand rehabilitation placement... Should be interesting! *fingers and toes crossed* I'll update again soon!