Saturday, April 29, 2006
Aspects of Love?
Since this is a study week, naturally, I would be spending time mugging through tons of notes and books while I cough by lungs out caused by the bloody painful sore throat that I’m having since wed. So I decided to take a break from all these and go watch a musical with glen who received a pair of free tickets after spending money at Barang Barang. It's call, 'Aspects of Love' composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. I don't know what the story is about but it have to be good right? After all, he did composed musicals such as Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat, Cats and Phantom of the opera...
Well, Glen and I left after the interval... Maybe it's because we don't understand the musical but I think most part of it was kinda badly acted out. The transitions of the scenes were kinda abrupt at certain points, the sound system wasn't top notch, the singing was okay. I like Andrew Lloyd Webbers's musicals... I like Cats and Phantom of the Opera, no correction, I love Cats & Phantom of the Opera. But I just can't appreciate this musical... To me, it was about messy and confusing love triangle between a besotted young man, a poor wannabe actress and an old man (fine... a mature man) who just happens to be that young man's uncle. In the process of this messy love triangle, add in the uncle's ex-Italian lover from Vienna, army and marriage after a threesome between the uncle, his Italian lover and the wannabe actress plus a baby being produced post wedding... How weird is that?
So at the end of the night, we went to have a little late night dinner at Breko in Bugis and head on back home after a brief bitching session… So, thanks glen! For the erm, interesting play and wonderful bitching session!
I hate exams…
posted by JESS at
1:25 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Mr Nice Guy
That's it, i'm not going to be Mr Nice Guy anymore. It's pointless anyway, being understanding to others, I mean, who cares whether u are nice or understanding or not? What i hear constantly from others are "Jess, you have to understand (...), she's being brought up differently, Jess, her character is like this, Jess, try to be more understanding." And so, i try again and again to understand, to take a step back But GUESS WAT?! I feel like i've taken so many steps back that i'm at the edge of a cliff already.
It doesn't pay to be nice and now i totally believe in that. If everybody thinks tat i'm a bitch, I'm fine with that! I'm a bitch and i'm loud and proud of it!
posted by JESS at
8:16 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
V for Vendetta!!!
Oh my God!!! I think i'm in love!!! I've just watched V for Vendetta after contemplating for so long and IT was FABULOUS. I feel so inspired and so empowered just by watching the. The words, the ideas, the VOICE... I love the voice of V, its so mysterious, so captivating, so sensual... I would love to describe to everyone who wonderful this film is but i fear of doing the film injustice with my mere attempt. So go watch it before it closes!!!

V for Vendetta

I'm in love with this man...
posted by JESS at
9:45 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Nothing to do, Nowhere to go...
School has finally started again after 4 weeks of hellish clinicals and 1 week of "holiday"... I'm still swarmed with endless reports and presentations and my plans of going on a holiday in May are postponed due to unforseen circumstances. My blog has been on hiatus for some time not because i've nothing to write about but because my entries for past months have been way too depressing... I wasn't even aware of it until after i read through my past entries a few days ago. It's depressing just to read what i've wrote past few months and i wouldn't my friends who are reading my blog to have their moods affected by it...
My one month clinical experience was hell... Having to work with people that i can't communicate effectively with, people who have the innate nature to impose their ideas and mindset on you, people who loves to stab you in the back, people who are oh so 'understanding', people who made me cry when i'm back home in the showers every single day. I came out of this clinical attachment with 3-quarter less of confidence and self-esteem and a whole lot of self-doubt and tons of questions left unanswered. I'm not so sure whether this course that i'm in has more benefits on me or is killing me slowly every single day. Looking at my worn out self in the mirror every morning and seeing some of my classmates getting more depressed everyday have left me to ponder,
Why are we doing what we are doing?
posted by JESS at
10:20 AM