Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Why is it that i always have encounters with freak?!? It's like i can't escape them! All these freaks in the world. I mean, here i was, minding my own business, walking to the bus stop after watching a fantastic movie, The Da Vinci Code. And there it was, a freaking short and butt ugly bangladesh with his freaking friends waiting for to use the telephone at the telephone booth aiming his camera at me. What the fuck man! And he just took a photo of me before i could react to it. Thank goodness i was quick enough to cover my face with my hand. I so wanted to go up to him and take his fucking ancient loser camera and smash it in his face when he laughed at my reaction. But since i was outnumbered by he and his fucking minions, i've decided not to confront him. Shouldn't put myself at a greater disadvantage... Freaking piece of shit!!! What is up with these bangladeshi?!? Not that i'm trying to stereotype but all the incidents that i've heard from my friends and i've experienced myself just drives a point across... What?!? Is your job too freaking boring for you that you have to touch girls inappropriately during massive parties such as the countdowns at sentosa or haress them in your gang during the christmas eve celebration at orchard road!? That you have to take a girl's picture without her permission when she's just minding her own business and trying to get home!? Where are your FUCKING MANNERS?!?
I'm having a not so good week and this just adds on to my misery so I HAVE TO RANT LIKE A MAD WOMAN!
To those of my dear friends who are concerned about me after reading this blog, I'm alright. Just have some... okay, maybe more than some bottled up anger and out of control hormones running through my bloodstream (Yes, I'm PSMing).
I'm having a not so good week and this just adds on to my misery so I HAVE TO RANT LIKE A MAD WOMAN!
To those of my dear friends who are concerned about me after reading this blog, I'm alright. Just have some... okay, maybe more than some bottled up anger and out of control hormones running through my bloodstream (Yes, I'm PSMing).
posted by JESS at 10:08 PM

are u sure it wasnt Walid back in Singapore?
=)chill out girl!
Best regards from NY! » »
Where did you find it? Interesting read »
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