Friday, January 13, 2006
Bad Week
It has been a really sucky week... Everything just refuse to go my way and the weather just makes my already dampened spirit worse. I've so many things to complete, 2 presentations next week one after another, meeting minutes to type, my heels got stuck in the drain while it was pouring, i nearly fell backwards into a puddle of dirt water when i was trying to pull my heels out, experiencing a couple of periods of gastric pain in a week, the list goes on... All i could do was just to keep on telling myself that things can't get any worse but apparantly, they can.
My dream of going to a rock concert for the first time is dashed as well. I was so looking forward to the Frand Ferdinand concert on the 16th next month but now i can't go since NUS Evo'06 performance falls on that day itself. So i've decided to give up my rock concert and perform in Evo'06. I've always admired the dancers of DE (dance ensemble), watched their concert nearly every year and have always hoped to be part of them and now i am. Having the opportunity to perform as an official member of NUS DE this year is kinda "a dream come true", so no rock concert is going to take my passion for dance away!
Ever since i've joined the course of Occupational Therapy, i've been increasingly moody and my temper has been fluctuating as well. In the past, when i'm pissed off at something or someone, i'll let them have it, but now, after being constantly taught of "putting urself in other ppl's shoes" ideology, i can't do what i do before. I can't even not feel guilty when i'm pissed off at someone/something or when i show them "attitude".
I thought getting a better insight of self and others makes you a better person. In my case, i feel like i'm not myself anymore. I'm no longer the girl who has the "I don't give a shit about what people think of me or what i think of them" attitude. I've to be so put together everytime, no tantrums, no temper, no attitude, just calm... It's this what you call 'growing up' and being an 'adult'? Because if it is, i'm so not looking forward to it...
My dream of going to a rock concert for the first time is dashed as well. I was so looking forward to the Frand Ferdinand concert on the 16th next month but now i can't go since NUS Evo'06 performance falls on that day itself. So i've decided to give up my rock concert and perform in Evo'06. I've always admired the dancers of DE (dance ensemble), watched their concert nearly every year and have always hoped to be part of them and now i am. Having the opportunity to perform as an official member of NUS DE this year is kinda "a dream come true", so no rock concert is going to take my passion for dance away!
Ever since i've joined the course of Occupational Therapy, i've been increasingly moody and my temper has been fluctuating as well. In the past, when i'm pissed off at something or someone, i'll let them have it, but now, after being constantly taught of "putting urself in other ppl's shoes" ideology, i can't do what i do before. I can't even not feel guilty when i'm pissed off at someone/something or when i show them "attitude".
I thought getting a better insight of self and others makes you a better person. In my case, i feel like i'm not myself anymore. I'm no longer the girl who has the "I don't give a shit about what people think of me or what i think of them" attitude. I've to be so put together everytime, no tantrums, no temper, no attitude, just calm... It's this what you call 'growing up' and being an 'adult'? Because if it is, i'm so not looking forward to it...
posted by JESS at 7:13 PM

i like franz ferdinand too!
yah~ go and perform lah. it's an opportunity.
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